Interesting Items 08/12

Howdy All, a few Interesting Items for your information.  Enjoy –

In this issue –

1.  Kamala
2.  UK
3.  FACE Act
4.  Space
5.  Roadkill
6.  Fraud

1.  Kamala.  Changes in the Kamala campaign this week have been interesting on the persuasion front.  She is getting very good, if infuriating advice from her paid persuaders.  Let’s take a look. 

  • The first persuasion trick is the Me-Too issue where she is busily adopting all popular Trump positions.  Most obvious is her embrace of his no taxes on tip income.  Note that Kamala broke the 50-50 tie in the senate that hired the 80,000 new IRS agents to enforce this tax.  Trump has a couple avenues available to respond.  The worst would be complaining about it, which he has done.  Better would be to keep on proposing tax breaks for other Americans.  For instance, repeal income taxes on Social Security payments for oldsters.  Another would be to repeal all income taxes for military or first responders.  There are more, but you get the idea.  Note that Kamala did not stop with the tax on tips issue, but is now in favor of fracking, another of the many Trump issues she is stealing.  She has a history of stealing issues from other candidates in her multiple runs for office in Cali. 
  • Second would be that she and Walz are running as generic democrats.  This works wonderfully, as it completely ignores everything she has done or said during her political career.  Democrats (and Republicans) are extremely popular when they promise things right up to the point where they have to put up or shut up.  Kamala and Walz have both done some very unpleasant things during their political careers that need to be tied around their scrawny little necks.  Never forget that both Kamala and Walz participated in aiding and abetting the BLM riots in MN.  Walz dithered in calling out the National Guard, something he gleefully did during COVID to enforce his lockdown.  Kamala contributed to and encouraged contributions to a fund that got legal help for arrested rioters allowing them to return to mayhem.
  • Walz has a stolen valor problem.  While this is not particularly important to those Americans outside the military community, it carries great weight there.  Turns out that Walz, who spent 24 years in the MN Army National Guard decided to retire rather than get posted to the Sandbox in Iraq.  The warning order had already been given and he was notified that he was on his way overseas.  He went over the head of his commander to get the retirement approved claiming he was running for congress.  His other faux pas was including his highest rank of Command Seargeant Major as his retirement rank.  This carries a couple of problems.  First and most important is that a Command Seargeant Major is the highest ranking enlisted in the outfit, generally responsible for informing the Commander how things are going among the troops.  To have the highest-ranking enlisted cut and run right before they are shipping out is really damaging to the function, discipline and effectiveness of the outfit.  It would be similar to the Commander deciding to retire before being shipped out.  In the command side, this often happens in reverse, when a poorly performing Commander is relieved of command and sent home.  It is not uncommon for those filling a temporary billet of a higher rank to retire at their lower, permanent rank. It is not uncommon for someone holding a temporary rank to retire at that higher rank if they do well.  Walz chose to lie about it.  As with all the other lies out of this crowd, it is busily being air brushed out of existence by a compliant and supportive media. 
  • Media persuasion last week attempted to reframe Kamala and Walz’ weird laughs as joyous, with both of them joyous happy people.  This is a great reframe.  Completely fraudulent, but a great persuasion reframe.
  • One of the things persuaders working for both Kamala and Walz are doing is taking the gun from the hands of the Trump campaign and turning it against Trump and the Republicans.  Walz’ use of “mind your own business” is one example that resonates widely and sounds positively conservative.  The problem is that both Walz and Kamala governed as far from that worldview as humanly possible, Walz during COVID and Kamala going after pot users in Cali as Attorney General.  Walz had National Guard roaming the streets with paintball guns proudly lighting up people outside on their front porches.  This sort of reckless behavior will (and should) get someone shot.
  • My last persuasion point is neither Walz nor Kamala are discussing actual policy.  All their ads are generic.  The longer they can go without being specific about what they want to do, the better it is for them.
  • Final example comes out of Wisconsin last week when JD Vance and Kamala in Air Force 2 found themselves on the tarmac at the same time.  Vance took his entourage over to the reporters waiting on Kamala to speak with them.  She never showed.  But Vance had a good time with the reporters.  His reception from the reporters was frosty at best.  

2.  UK.  The UK is in the midst of their worst riots in over a decade.  These riots started when a Muslim entered a Taylor Swift themed concert and sliced up a bunch of girls, killing three of them.  Local police weren’t much interested in talking about what took place.  National media spent a lot of time making excuses for the murderer and the community he came from.  Locals didn’t much appreciate this lack of interest and started rioting.  The Muzzies were also ready and started sending teams out to loot, burn and attack whites.  Newly ensconced Labor Prime Minister Keir Starmer decided the entire mess was due to white hooligans and right-wing racists, giving the Muzzie gangs a free pass to continue with their mayhem.  As of this writing, there have been over 1,000 arrests, almost exclusively whites.  The Brits have gone so far as to start working their way through online activity to identify whites who are not sufficiently supportive of their new Muslim masters, something the Starmer regime is fully supportive of.  Looks like Justin Trudeau’s wannabee authoritarian regime is not the only blight on the former British Empire.  British response is to start emigrating out of the country, with the millionaires going first.  Starmer and Labor are throwing a lot of gasoline on this particular fire, which won’t end well.

3.  FACE Act. The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act was initially signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1994.  It prohibits “… violent, threatening, damaging and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate or interfere with the right to seek, obtain or provide reproductive health services.”  Under this regime, it has been used as a tool to harass pro-life protesters while violence by the pro-aborts has been nearly completely ignored.  Between 1994 – 2024, there have been 211 FACE prosecutions.  205 of these, over 97% have been aimed against pro-life activists, mostly for praying outside clinics.  Sentences are usually a decade or so in jail.  Only six cases have been brought against those on the pro-abort side of the argument despite the large number of vandalisms aimed at churches and pro-life health care centers since Dobbs.  55 cases have been brought under Biden – Harris, over a quarter of all cases since the law was signed.  The goons of the FBI have been particularly active during these prosecutions, participating in early morning raids on grandmothers.  One of these was an 87-year-old concentration camp survivor.  Since Dobbs in 2022, there have been at least 90 attacks on pro-life groups and pregnancy centers, 276 attacks on Catholic churches.  Do(In)J has creatively used a KKK-era law called conspiracy against rights to increase prison time for pro-life activists targeted.  This law has become a travesty and its abuse by this lawless Do(In)J calls for its immediate repeal.

4.  Space.  Space news continued last week with an increasing launch cadence from SpaceX.  They have been launching back-to-back flights from both the Cape and Vandenberg within hours of each other.  They also had an on-pad abort 47 seconds before launch over the weekend.  It is other news that is more interesting.

  • The worst news of the ongoing disaster that is Boeing’s Starliner continued last week with a discussion of software.  The first two flights were fully automated.  There were significant software problems with the first flight, and it never made it to ISS.  The second unmanned flight worked out well, though today’s thruster issues started cropping up.  The problem with sending Starliner home unmanned is that the flight software for the manned mission does not allow unmanned detachment, reentry and recovery.  Reprogramming the beast is described as a non-trivial, risky affair.  There is no explanation why the unmanned capability was not included for the manned mission.
  • The crew can be recovered either in a SpaceX Dragon or Russian Soyuz.  There is a Dragon mission scheduled in Sept to swap out crew.  It can fly with 2 people and fly the Starliner crew back in their two empty seats.  The same holds true for Soyuz. Which can be flown with a crew of one and two empty seats.  Both of these options still require two empty space suits be flown, as the three different vehicles have incompatible space suits.  ISS has 8 docking ports, four on the American side, 4 on the Russian side.  3 of each are currently filled.  There are some online articles claiming there are only 6 and all are full today.
  • We are fast approaching the era of private space stations / modules.  The first flow was a test article from Bigelow Aerospace the Bigelow Expandable Module (BEAM), was an inflatable launched in 2016.  Initial inflation did not go well, but eventually worked, and the module is still attached and will be until 2028.  Next up is an Axiom module which will detach from ISS around 2030 when it is being prepared for reentry and disposal.  NASA contracted with a pair of businesses, one a consortium, the other Voyager Space for commercially supplied station modules.  Axiom will be flying at the same time.  We hope that both are far more successful than Boeing has been with Starliner. 

5.  Roadkill.  Looks like the left figured out their attack vector against RFK Jr.  This is in addition to their active effort to keep him off state ballots, most recently successful in NY.  The new vector is a series of stories about him collecting roadkill and storing for later use in his freezer.  The stories were in all the usual lefty rags, AP, NPR, New Republic, BBC, Daily Beast.  There are more but you get the idea.  An associated story has him picking up a dead bear cub somewhere in upstate NY, putting it in the back of his vehicle because he wanted to skin it.  He never got around to that and ended up dumping the carcass in Central Park.  These stories are planned and executed persuasion efforts aimed at RFK Jr’s candidacy.  And they might be working.

6.  Fraud.  Our final story comes from the land of Be Careful What You Wish For or What Goes Around, Comes Around.  This story has former progressive democrat officials in Hamtramck, MI claiming they were cheated out of office by an all-Muslim city council.  The technique had secret midnight meetings where blank absentee ballots were auctioned to the highest bidder.  This came out of Project Veritas describing how the Muzzies overturned the progressive LGBTQWTF Nirvana.  The democrats also complained about illegal and obtrusive ballot harvesting operations.  My first reaction to this is to wonder who they learned this crap from?  Over in the Middle East, they simply kill their opposition.  Over here, we use slightly less bloody but in no way less illegal techniques. 

More later –

  • AG

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